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On October 13, a concert took place at the Villamarta Theater in Jerez. This concert in tribute to Maestro Angel G. Piñero also helped Valentina (Association “A cry for hope. FOP”. The Ángel G. Piñero Classical Guitar Association, promoter of the concert, will donate a part of the proceeds from the box office to support the clinical trials that are being developed for research into Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP)).



We had the pleasure of seeing and listening to numerous artists as well as:

– guitarist Luca Romanelli (Italy)
– the string quartet of the Álvarez Beigbeder Orchestra of Jerez, composed of the following musicians: Collette Babiaud (Violin I), Salvador Molina (Violin II), Gloria Ruiz (Viola) and Cristóbal González (Cello)
– Manuel Garrido (Jerez) and Alycia Hiddinga (France/Japan), dancers from the Paris Opera ballet.